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Belle Minimix 150 Electric 110v Concrete Mixer
This cement mixer from Belle is a heavy duty cement mixer designed for professional use on all build..
Belle Minimix 150 Electric 230v Concrete Mixer
This cement mixer from Belle is a heavy duty cement mixer designed for professional use on all build..
Belle Minimix 150 Honda GX120 Petrol Concrete Mixer
This petrol Belle Minimix 150 cement mixer with a Honda motor is designed for professional use on al..
Belle PCLX 320 Honda Petrol Plate Compactor 13"
Midweight professional compaction plates with low Hand Arm Vibration and high performance compaction..
Belle PCLX 400 Honda Petrol Plate Compactor 16"
Midweight professional compaction plates with low Hand Arm Vibration and high performance compaction..
Belle Promix 1600E 110v Mixing Stirrer
A high-torque mixing stirrer designed to meet the demands of the professional user. Easy and comfort..