Our selected range of treated roofing battens gives you the choice you need for your roofing requirements.

Just talk to one of our team in store to find out more about our sawn battens.

We also specialise in supplying larger domestic, commercial or industrial projects. This type of enquiry is best given over the telephone and we will ensure that you receive the most competitive price available.

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Treated Battens 12x38mm 3600mm

Treated Battens 12x38mm 3600mm

High Pressure treated with Tanalith 'E' (or similar), providing a 60 year service life when u..


Treated Battens 19x38mm 4800mm

Treated Battens 19x38mm 4800mm

Sawn timber treated to Use Class 2 High Pressure treated with Tanali..


Treated Battens 25x38mm 4800mm

Treated Battens 25x38mm 4800mm

High Pressure treated with Tanalith 'E' (or similar), providing a 60 year service life when u..


Treated Carcassing 22x50mm 4800mm

Treated Carcassing 22x50mm 4800mm

High Pressure treated with Tanalith 'E' (or similar), providing a 60 year service life when u..


Type A Graded Battens 25x50x4800mm

Type A Graded Battens 25x50x4800mm

Treated and graded to BS5534 tile batten, multiple uses in roofing and packing. &nbs..


Showing 1 to 5 of 5 (1 Pages)